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Altium designer 14 3d view

Altium designer 14 3d view

Download Altium designer 14 3d view

A small manual for download:
  • Click "Download Now" image upwards.
  • Here is the link Altium designer 14 3d view if the image doesnt shows
  • Then, after you click the image you'll go to the 100% protected site where your download will start shortly
  • The small window should appear. Click RUN, and thats all. Just follow the instructions of the installer.

The question : "How to I rotate my PCB in the 3D view?" or "Why do I get the error 'Action not available in 3D view' ?" . often arises.This page has been created to help relieve this issue.In short the key combinations for 3D Navigation without a 3D mouse ( are: FunctionKey ComboZoom In/OutCtrl + Right Mouse Click (Wheel)Pan Left/RightShift + WheelPan Up/DownWheelFree RotateShift + Right Mouse ButtonRight Model0 (zero)Rotate 90deg9Flip BoardV + BFit DocumentV + DFit BoardV + F Hi Lars,Would you be able to add a bit more detail to show what you mean by "Action not available in 3D view".

Available is also spelt wrong by the way Formatting needs to be changed so that maybe the text at the right of the screen shot appears under it.

Or maybe just leave the title as 3D Navigation in the PCB Editor and remove altium designer 14 3d view "Action not available in 3D view" references from this wiki as this could be a little confusing to the customer.Thanks,Neal 418 unused unusedThe server encountered an internal error ormisconfiguration and was unable to completeyour request.Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred,and anything you might have done that may havecaused the error.More information about this error may be availablein the server error log. �TourStart here for a quick overview of the site�Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have�MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site�About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company�BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us I have a altium designer 14 3d view question about Altium Designer 13.1, to what I could not find the answer so far.

How can I rotate a 3D body object around the X axis? I have checked at here and on Google without any success.I have a triangular based prism:I want to rotate this with 90 degrees around X axis to get this:This prism is the only object I want to rotate on the mechanical 1 layer, anyone knows the way to do this?Also, how can I draw shapes in the Z-X or Z-Y plane like I do in the X-Y plane? TechnologyLife / ArtsCulture / RecreationScienceOther� Stack Overflow� Server Fault� Super User� Web Applications� Ask Ubuntu� Webmasters� Game Development� TeX - LaTeX� Programmers� Unix & Linux� Ask Different (Apple)� WordPress Development� Geographic Information Systems� Electrical Engineering� Android Enthusiasts� Information Security� Database Administrators� Drupal Answers� SharePoint� User Experience� Mathematica� Salesforce� ExpressionEngine� Answers� Cryptography� Code Review� Magento� Signal Processing� Raspberry Pi� Programming Puzzles & Code Golf�more (7)� Photography� Science Fiction & Fantasy� Graphic Design� Movies & TV� Music: Practice & Theory� Seasoned Advice (cooking)� Home Improvement� Personal Finance & Money� Academia�more (8)� English Language & Usage� Skeptics� Mi Yodeya (Judaism)� Travel� Christianity� English Language Learners� Japanese Language� Arqade (gaming)� Bicycles� Role-playing Games� Anime & Manga�more (18)� Mathematics� Cross Validated (stats)� Theoretical Computer Science� Physics� MathOverflow� Chemistry� Biology� Computer Science� Philosophy�more (3)� Stack Apps� Meta Stack Exchange� Area 51� Stack Overflow Careers Altium Designer's 3D PCB Movie Generator has been updated to support simulation of bends and curves in flexible PCB regions.

Communicating the design intent for assembled rigid-flex and flex circuits through animated video sequences means PCB fabricators and assembly houses (EMS) can see with their own eyes exactly what it is you want them to build for you!Transcript:Often the most difficult part of releasing a design is making sure the fab and assembly providers understand what you want them to make.Altium users have a unique ability to create 3D PCB videos to illustrate design intent for documentation and design review.And in Altium Designer 14 the 3D movie editor has been enhanced further to include flex circuit bends when setting keyframes in the movie sequence.For each keyframe, you can move to the virtual camera angle you want to show, and adjust the fold slider control on the PCB panel to set the flex circuit bends to the degree of your choice.You can preview each keyframe to make sure they're where you want them, and also set the time for holding each keyframe view.Pressing down here allows you to preview the entire video sequence to make sure it's showing everything you want it to.The video can then be generated by adding it to the output job file in the project for release, where you can set the desired resolution and media format.You can even specify which codec to use for rendering.It should never be difficult to communicate your design intent - and with Altium Designer 14 it's even easier. How do i change the color of the solder mask?

When viewing my PC Board in 3D, the default color is turquoise blue. How do i change it to standard green? Also, i purposely placed a string text on the bottom layer (Ground) of my 2 layer board. The string shows up correctly in all fabrication outputs but not in 3D view.

What am i doing wrong? The colors for the 3D view are configured in the layers dialog box, accessible by the "L" keyboard shortcut while in 3D view. You can configure the copper color, solder mask, silkscreen etc. For the second issue where you are unable to see your bottom copper, it's likely that your transparency for the bottom layer solder mask is set to opaque (100%). I would adjust it to the same transparency level as you have for the top solder mask and you should be able to see the bottom copper.

Reference this thread for more detail. Quote from: toohec on January 31, 2014, 03:58:34 AM The colors for the 3D view are configured in the layers dialog box, accessible by the "L" keyboard shortcut while in 3D view. You can configure the copper color, solder mask, silkscreen etc. For the second issue where you are unable to see your bottom copper, it's likely that your transparency for altium designer 14 3d view bottom layer solder mask is set to opaque (100%).

I would adjust it to the same transparency level as you have for the top solder mask and you should be able to see the bottom copper. Reference this thread for more detail. Please pardon my ignorance in this matter due to the fact that i've just started using this software with no prior experience in PC Board layout.

Specifically where do i find the output generator with the layer option? i do not see any layer option in Fabrication Output and Assembly Output in the output generatorunder fabrication outputs -> add new fabrication output ->Final Artwork prints this creates a new entry. double click on that entrythis opens the configurations dialog you can then right-click on the views you don't want or the layers you don't want and kill them oryou go to preferences at the bottom left and in that dialog turn off all the mechanical layers then simply right-click in the printout and layers and select 'final' and it will rebuild all print jobs with your selected options.

All this stuff is saved in an .outjob file. you can simply copy that file between projects. I have an .outjob that creates all kinds of PDF's, gebrersassembly viewsassembly data ,BOM and whatever. click two or three buttons and all directory sturcures and files are created fully automatic.

you need to take the time to set this up to your liking once. in the output containers you can create 'equations' for example create a pdf job and link it to your final artwork click the change button set output to [project dir] container type to PDF collate to single file and enter the following formula =ProjectName + 'Assembly drawings' whenever you click the Generate button in your project directory it will create a subdirectory called PDF and create a file containing all drawings with the name of your project followed by Assembly drawings.

The formulas let you inject lots of things into the filenames. free_electron.Thanks for detailed instructions!! However i do not see "add new fabrication output ->Final Artwork prints". See my attachment for screen shot of available options under fabrication output. FYI, i'm using 13.2 Quote from: skeematics21 on January 31, 2014, 07:44:06 AM free_electron.Thanks for detailed instructions!! However i do not see "add new fabrication output ->Final Artwork prints".

See my attachment for screen shot of available options under fabrication output. FYI, i'm using 13.2 I'm going to assume that you are generating your prints/outputs using the "fabrication outputs" under the file menu and NOT using an output job in your project.

If so, you can configure the fabrication output settings by selecting "Default Prints." in the same file menu. In the dialog box that pops up, find the print that you wish to edit and select the configure button at the bottom.

You can then edit the layers, colors, object types, etc for drawing shown. It might be confusing at first, so it will take a little time poking around in there. Once the prints are configured, you can just generate them using the "fabrication outputs." menu under the file menu.

You may wish to generate each drawing type independently as opposed to using the final drawings output option. free_electron's information covers the case where you add an output job file to your project. That can be added by selecting File > New. > Output Job File. The output job is more powerful, so you should investigate that method as well. See that "Altium 3D Blue" in the drop-box on the toolbar? Give that a poke Custom colors of course are on the "L" dialog.

(Don't forget to save your custom colors to a profi� Home� Products� 3D CAD Models� Knowledge base� STEP file FAQ� Altium � Import 3D model into footprint� CircuitStudio vs Altium Designer� IPC Naming convention for 3D CAD Parts (Models) and Footprints� IPC-7351B Naming Convention for Surface Mount Device 3D Models and Footprints� Naming Convention for Non Standard Surface Mount Device 3D Models and Footprints� IPC-7251 Naming Convention for Through-Hole 3D Models and Footprints� Naming Convention for Non Standard Through-Hole 3D Models and Footprints� IPC-7?51 Naming Convention for Connector 3D Models and Footprints� Naming Convention for Mechanical 3D Models and Footprints� How to calculate PTH hole and pad diameter sizes according to IPC-7251, IPC-2222 and IPC-2221 standards?� Package outlines review and useful links� Fiducial Marks � Tutorial� Difference between the component (top) and the bottom side view?

� PCB Layout� Shipment and handling package types� Abbreviations in Electrical & Electronics Engineering� Useful links in Engineering and Science� Contact� Login Altium Designer Tutorial � Import 3D model from quick and easyThis text shows how to import 3D solid model (body) of one LED component into .step file format.If you want to import 3D model in footprint firstly you need to open PCB library and select footprint (land pattern) on which you want to add model.

After downloading�3D model from and selecting footprint in .pcblib, from the Altium menu, choose the option Place ->3D body. If you want to use shortcut press �pb��keyboard buttons (See Picture 1. Place ->3D body).Picture 1: Option Place ->3D bodyIn 3D Body window in part 3D Model Type select Generic STEP Model and click on Embed STEP Model, find and select your 3D model you want to import (See picture 2.

3D�Body Window).Picture 2: 3D Body WindowFirst position cursor in the center of footprint and then left-click will place 3D STEP (STP) model on footprint (See Picture 3. Place 3D body in 2D mode).Picture 3: Place 3D body in 2D modeAfter placing 3D model, 3D Body window will appear again.

If you want to add one more 3D model on the same footprint, press Cancel or Close 3D body window. You can�import 3D model in both 2D and 3D mode of Altium PCB library. To switch in 3D mode, press keyboard button 3 and to return in 2D mode, press keyboard button 2.Picture 4: Footprint view in 3D modeNote 1: 3D models from are designed according to IPC standards.

It means that coordinate origin of 3D models are located in the center of a footprint.�This feature of 3D models helps you import models quickly and easily without rotating 3D body.

If your footprint was not designed by IPC standards and origin of�footprint is not in its center, we recommended you to set coordinate origin in center. You can set origin in center of footprint using option Edit->Set Reference->Center. Shortcut is keyboard buttons �esl�. See Picture 5. Option Edit->Set Reference->Center.Picture 5: Option Edit->Set Reference->CenterYou also can watch this Altium Designer Tutorial of adding STEP model into footprint on video below.How to import and position 3D STEP into footprint if model is not designed according to IPC standard?Video below shows how to use options:1.

Tools->3D Body Placement->Align Face With Board2. Tools->3D Body Placement->Add Snap Points From Vertices3. Tools->3D Body Placement->Remove Snap Pointswhich are very helpfully for position model into footprint. � STEP file FAQ� Altium � Import 3D CAD model into footprint� CircuitStudio vs Altium Designer� How to calculate PTH hole and pad diameter sizes according to IPC-7251, IPC-2222 and IPC-2221 standards?� IPC Naming convention for 3D CAD Parts (Models) and Footprints� IPC-7351B Naming Convention for Surface Mount Device 3D Models and Footprints� Naming Convention for Non Standard Surface Mount Device 3D Models and Footprints� IPC-7251 Naming Convention for Through-Hole 3D Models and Footprints� Naming Convention for Non Standard Through-Hole 3D Models and Footprints� IPC-7?51 Naming Convention for Connector 3D Models and Footprints� Naming Convention for Mechanical 3D Models and Footprints� Package outlines review and useful links� Fiducial Marks � Tutorial� Difference between the component (top) and the bottom side view?� Shipment and handling package types� Abbreviations in Electrical & Electronics Engineering� Useful links in Engineering and Science3D CAD Models by the Membership/Free Type� Free (49)� Membership (2,853)3D CAD Models by the Mount Type� Non PCB Mount (31)� Panel Mount (14)� Surface Mount (965)� Through Hole (1,892)3D CAD Models by the Electric Type� Antennas (1)� Batteries (6)� Battery Holders (5)� Capacitors (380)� Capacitors Aluminum Electrolytic SM CAPAE (13)� Capacitors Chip Non-Polarized CAPC (9)� Capacitors Misc CAP (2)� Capacitors Molded Polarized CAPMP (18)� Capacitors Non Polarized Radial Disk Button Vertical CAPRB (69)� Capacitors Non Polarized Radial Rectangular Vertical CAPRR (57)� Capacitors Po

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